With working families struggling, our planet under threat, and our communities becoming too expensive to live, we can’t just wait around for change. It’s time for us to act.

Sara Hernandez—a proud resident of the 26th District for over 20 years, a teacher, a housing attorney and a Community College Board Member—is running for State Senate to fight for working families. Raising a family in the District, she has worked hard to make the community safer, more livable, and prosperous. Sara understands the struggles Californians face— the things that have defined the American Dream for generations- being able to afford a home, an education, health care, raise a family- are becoming farther and farther out of reach for working people in the 26th. Communities are feeling more insecure, not just from natural disasters, but from federal policies that threaten our safety and rights. From environmental threats to cuts in essential services, many feel ignored by a government that no longer works for them. Sara is committed to delivering results for working families and restoring our faith in government. As a teacher and housing attorney, she offers a bold vision for how to raise living standards, quality of life and security for our communities. 

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